To all you hunters:
Via Alan, via Robb, via Brigid, via My Hunting Spot (that’s as far back as I can trace it)
Continue reading →Via Alan, via Robb, via Brigid, via My Hunting Spot (that’s as far back as I can trace it)
Continue reading →Unfortunately they probably not only know how to breath but have reproduction and voting figured out too. I figure that is the only explanation we have for the existence of all the people that want to ban guns. – Joe … Continue reading →
But seriously, do you need to be told guns and alcohol don’t mix? MARSHFIELD — A 21-year-old Marshfield man who accidentally shot his roommate told police he was spinning the gun on his finger like they did in the “Old West” when … Continue reading →
Yeah, that makes sense. You use harsh words and have guns so, no doubt, you’re going to kill me for disagreeing with you. Perfectly reasonable. If you’re an idiot. – Say Uncle
Continue reading →You can’t win against the Leviathan. It’s not malicious, just obstinately stupid and stubborn. – ColtCCO That pretty much sums up all bureaucracy. Hat tip Unix Jedi
Continue reading →It’s getting hard to satirize PETA, because they are becoming a joke themselves. – Sebastian
Continue reading →It was interference in the free market that turned a recession into the Great Depression. If you’re trying to avoid another one, abandoning free market principals is exactly the wrong thing to do. – Alan
Continue reading →Anyone with the ability to work a calculator can add up a few figures and realize that Social Security is not fiscally sustainable, and that the whole thing is a huge Ponzi scheme where participation is mandated by the government. … Continue reading →
And that’s when I realized: I’m not here to convince him. It’s okay for someone to be wrong on the internet. There’s no point in me trying to Google up a page full of links with which to beat him … Continue reading →
How can global warming be “accelerating” when the last two years have seen dramatic cooling? Is this guy totally removed from all reality????? – David Deming, via Newsbusters
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