Why is it
That people get so mad about health insurance companies supposedly screwing some people occasionally that they are willing to turn that function over to a government that screws almost everyone pretty much every day?
Continue reading →That people get so mad about health insurance companies supposedly screwing some people occasionally that they are willing to turn that function over to a government that screws almost everyone pretty much every day?
Continue reading →A while back Tam linked a comment calling the NRA (along with pro-lifers, tea party goers and others) “our Taliban.” I want to take a look a little earlier in the comment, where the writer says “It is not only … Continue reading →
How not to lose a bunch of money…
Continue reading →Poor lefties. They’ve been playing on astroturf for so long that they don’t know grassroots even when fed a mouthful of divot. – Tam
Continue reading →Personally, I’d have a sign that says “Warning. Irrational people eat here who may be afraid of your firearm. Please tread carefully lest you scare the sheep”. – Robb Allen
Continue reading →And, yet, incumbents are still re-elected about 95% of the time. If you want to throw the bums out, you gotta start with your bum first. – Say Uncle
Continue reading →ummm… Hat tip Uncle
Continue reading →Via CNET News (hat tip PGB): Bill would give president emergency control of Internet Huh… giving power to shut down the biggest avenue for free speech an administration that says There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform … Continue reading →
Via Rasmussen Reports: 42% Say People Randomly Selected from Phone Book Better Than Current Congress
Continue reading →Legislatures at all levels are prime case studies in unintended consequences, and the only thing more appalling than the blatant partisan self-interest exercised by both parties is the invariable attempt to mask that self-interest as “the will of the people”, … Continue reading →