Quote of the Day – Schizophrenic Edition
“It’s kind of schizophrenic behavior, they say that we want renewable energy, but we don’t want you to put it anywhere. – Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Continue reading →“It’s kind of schizophrenic behavior, they say that we want renewable energy, but we don’t want you to put it anywhere. – Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Continue reading →I think Mike Nutter needs to make Philadelphia’s new slogan “Philadelphia: We’re not Detroit.” Pride has to start somewhere, you know. – Sebastian, Snowflakes in Hell
Continue reading →Whether you are looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity is, you know, above my pay grade. – Barack [redacted] Obama However you feel about abortion, (for the record, I am … Continue reading →
I believe that the American military has done more to preserve and foster goodness and liberty on Earth than all the artists and professors in America put together. – Dennis Prager. Why I am not a Liberal A lot of … Continue reading →
To the family of Bill Gwatney, the chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party, who was shot and killed yesterday. The murderer was killed by police after a 30 mile high speed chase. (story) My thoughts and prayers are with both families.
Continue reading →According to a new Rasmussen Reports survey, “Nearly half of Americans (47%) believe the government should require all radio and television stations to offer equal amounts of conservative and liberal political commentary,” with only 39% opposed. Fortunately, 57% opposed “equal … Continue reading →
For those of you who listen to Cam & Company on NRAnews, Cam did a parody of “American Idiot” called “Obama’s America.” Check it out at OnTap. For those who aren’t listening to Cam & Company, Why not? Weekdays 9PM … Continue reading →
I’m pretty sure that Elmo on crack could counter this fool. – Owen of Boots & Sabers, regarding Harry Reid heh
Continue reading →Obama suggests we inflate out tires and get a tune-up, improving our milage 3-4%, and reducing our dependancy on foreign oil. While this is undoubtedly a good idea, let’s do a little math… A few stats from the Energy Information Administration; … Continue reading →
Once you decide that affirmative action is generally not a good idea because race preferences are generally not a good idea, no matter what the context, how do you go back to supporting ethnic preference in government contracts? (Clarence Thomas … Continue reading →