Quote of the Day – Not Going to Happen Edition
But its message is tantamount to saying to stop falling, let’s ban gravity. It’s not going to happen (and wouldn’t be a good thing if it was). – Commenter Salamandyr at Althouse
Continue reading →But its message is tantamount to saying to stop falling, let’s ban gravity. It’s not going to happen (and wouldn’t be a good thing if it was). – Commenter Salamandyr at Althouse
Continue reading →You can be pretty sure no one has been killed or injured with a gun used for laser tag and permanent injuries with paintball guns are exceedingly rare. But that isn’t really relevant is it? It’s the thought that counts: … Continue reading →
AB-221 was introduced in the Wisconsin Assembly, which would require microstamping of all new semiautomatic handguns manufactured after Jan1, 2011. The bill was introduced by Leon Young, Therese Berceau, Robert Turner, Jon Richards, Tamara Grigsby, Annette Williams, Pedro Colon, Frederick … Continue reading →
I’ll register my guns after the courts rule it’s legal to require registration of blacks, Jews, and homosexuals. Oh, and I’m out of ammo. – Joe Huffman
Continue reading →Steve Kagen, M.D. and Ron Kind, the two Wisconsin Democrat representatives who signed the letter opposing a new AWB. We appreciate your support. Tammy Baldwin, Gwen Moore, and Dave Obey, what is your excuse? Gun owners remember these things at … Continue reading →
Rasmussen: Seventy-five percent (75%) of Americans believe the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right of an average citizen to own a gun, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 14% say gun ownership is not a constitutional right. … Continue reading →
Folks, I can’t hold Jim Scott’s gun banning ways against him anymore. He’d be a fool to be anything but a gun banner. We have no business complaining about his votes when in a District with diverse views on everything … Continue reading →
Unfortunately they probably not only know how to breath but have reproduction and voting figured out too. I figure that is the only explanation we have for the existence of all the people that want to ban guns. – Joe … Continue reading →
What our new president and his attorney general obviously want is control. Studying other gun-grabbing regimes of the past, they know the first thing that needs to be done to turn us from citizens to subjects is to disarm us. … Continue reading →
Did we mention that our opponents are deliberately deceptive? – Chris Cox Just a bit…
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