Quote of the Day – Exercise Edition
Try and exercise some of your rights today to keep them from getting flabby and losing tone during the slack winter months. – Tam
Continue reading →Try and exercise some of your rights today to keep them from getting flabby and losing tone during the slack winter months. – Tam
Continue reading →A week or so ago Breda posted a target photo: Then, New Jovian Thunderbolt posted his: so, here’s mine:
Continue reading →See what Obama has done? He has taken a pro-gun control Republican who never liked guns at all and made me a gun owner, gun rights, and gun carrying anti-gun control chick. – RightWingSparkle Welcome to the club. Hat Tip … Continue reading →
Over at Armed Canadian: Inside were things to make Baby Obama cry. We had long, lethal, accuracy enhancing flash hiders (two of them!), a hip-hugger, blood rage pistol grip, those murderous high-capacity 20 round magazines that no mere mortal civilian … Continue reading →
As promised, pictures of my brother’s new rifle: The rifle has a blind magazine, with the bottom of the mag well in a contrasting wood color, with matching areas on the pistol grip and the end of the forearm.
Continue reading →How about both? The Palm Pistol, designed in part to allow for people that have physical disabilities that prevent them from using a standard pistol, has been classified as a medical device by the FDA. This means that a doctor … Continue reading →
Carry your gun – it’s a lighter burden than regret. – Breda
Continue reading →Alan says they have a ballistics calculator for th iPhone. I already have Pocket SSF (and a few others) on my Treo. And I can calculate to at least 1000 yards, not the 300 on iSnipe. Now if I just … Continue reading →
One of my brothers bought his first gun, a used Model 700 in 30-06. Expect pictures soon.
Continue reading →I’m with Sebastian–just continue doing what I do. Providing training opportunities and teaching people how to make and use explosives. No need to do anything illegal. – Joe Huffman, in the comments at Sebastian’s
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