HomepoliticsMichelle Malkin on the Obamination


Michelle Malkin on the Obamination — 1 Comment

  1. I remember the rape, it heaepnpd right before I got to Foster. Didn’t they cane that guy? Somewhere around 98 / 99 (I think 99). That was when they had the kadena 2am curfew, and I think that they pulled back the drinking age or upped in that year. I don’t remember I was drunk.I think I remember another service guy that was drunk, hit a girl with his car, and then drove the dented, bloodied car back on base and then got busted.Oh yeah, and there was an article about some lemon kid that was tied up for 15 hours with 550 cord. There is all sorts of fun stuff that happens in Okinawa. Let’s get drunk and tip tiny cars. I banged a blue haired chick named Ha, how does it get any better than that? I miss Okinawa.Forget about Maher. It’s all about purposeful self-indoctrination. There was a wondershowzen episode, I think season 2 and there was a skit called am I a vessel’. A puppet walked around, and asked people if they were an empty vessel, and if they would believe the truth that he was selling to them. That is the human brain an empty vessel awaiting some asshole to fill it in with whatever belief system you want becuase you are too weak to form one on your own using rational thought. This is the church, here are the sheeple they look and smell alot like people except they are gaping holes.

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