Quote of the Day – Betting Edition
I suspect it will fall flat regardless, because where Middle East peace plans are concerned, that’s always the way to bet – Instapundit
Continue reading →I suspect it will fall flat regardless, because where Middle East peace plans are concerned, that’s always the way to bet – Instapundit
Continue reading →Folks, I can’t hold Jim Scott’s gun banning ways against him anymore. He’d be a fool to be anything but a gun banner. We have no business complaining about his votes when in a District with diverse views on everything … Continue reading →
By the way, a big d— fence between Mexico and the U.S. would help a lot as would proper searching of vehicles at border crossings. – Alpecca
Continue reading →They’re apparently worried about the crazytalk by the Freepers. As opposed to the calm discourse that graced the darker corners of Democratic Underground these last eight years. Remember? About how the righteous proletariat was going to rise up and throw … Continue reading →
I’m not one to generally say There ought to be a law. But there ought to be a law. I think Congressmonkies should be required, by law, to do their own tax returns. And the process should be videotaped. I imagine … Continue reading →
This bill is not a stimulus, ladies and gentlemen; it is a mugging. It is a fraud – Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.)
Continue reading →Only the little people pay them. A second Obama appointee has been exposed as a tax cheat, and so far lacks the integrity to step down. HHS nominee Tom Daschle is behind about $146,000 in taxes, following Tim Geithner. The Democrats apparently think it’s … Continue reading →
Sinclair Lewis famously wrote “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.” He couldn’t be more wrong. When fascism comes to America, it will be swaddled in bubble-wrap, carrying the populace like … Continue reading →
The “stimulus package” not getting any Republican votes in the house is pretty encouraging. It shows that a) the Republican leadership was able to get some solidarity, and b) that the Democrats were ineffective at getting any Republicans to join … Continue reading →
They should understand clearly that legislative gridlock is their duty, and bi-partisanship really means they’re just helping to hold us down while the democrats go through our wallets. Yes, trying to stop the sinking of the country when so many … Continue reading →